In May 2007 I had a life-changing experience with Jesus. I received the gift of Holy Spirit and this profound encounter radically changed the direction of my life. Within weeks I surrendered to the call of God and three months later I began studying for my Bachelor of Theology diploma at Northeast Christian College. It was here that I met Hailey and we were married the following summer.
After graduating, we moved to Halifax, Nova Scotia to help plant One Church. We served as the Associate Pastor there for the next decade. During this time I was privileged to also serve as the District Secretary and Youth President for the United Pentecostal Church of Nova Scotia. These rewarding pastoral and organizational experiences helped prepare us for God’s next assignment. In December 2019, we transitioned out of Halifax and served two years in Eastern Europe. We now reside in Terre Haute, Indiana and continue to involve ourselves with kingdom work, including global initiatives like Into His Marvelous Light.
Hailey and I are blessed to be parents to three amazing boys. Our family is committed to His purpose and together we will continue living the mandate of Matthew 6:33 — to seek first His kingdom and righteousness.