What To Do The Week After Easter

Last weekend most of the Christian world celebrated the resurrection of Jesus with special services, kids activities, and family dinners. For many, Easter weekend is the culmination of weeks and sometimes months of planning and preparation. This historic event where Jesus conquered death, hell, and the grave is worthy to be celebrated but now what? What do you do the week after Easter?

Consider the days after the resurrection for the first disciples. These believers had forsaken a lot to follow Jesus and the reality of His death had left them devastated. They had witnessed many miracles, including the resurrection of Lazarus, but evidently, this resurrection was too great a miracle for them. When Jesus appears to the eleven in Mark 16, He rebukes them for their unbelief. Then in the very next verse, He says “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” It was a clarion call to rise from despair, because of the resurrection there is Good News and it must be shared. 

So, what do you do the week after Easter? You go and preach. There is no better way to celebrate the resurrection than sharing the Gospel with someone. The enemy of your soul would like nothing more than for you to be hostage to circumstance and emotion. He works overtime to keep you idle but the first-century marching orders remain relevant, we must go! When the disciples went forward, preaching everywhere, God worked with them and confirmed His Word with great signs and wonders.

Last weekend we looked back in memory of what Jesus has done and we worshipped. But we must also look to what Jesus is doing now and witness. Everything that He did then was to make possible what He is doing now. He is mending broken marriages and healing families. He is breaking the bondage of substance abuse. He is giving peace and restoring hope. He is saving people from sin. But how does Jesus do this? Through the witness of people who are filled with the same Spirit that raised Him from the dead (Acts 1:8, Romans 8:11).

Are you unsure of what to preach? Preach His Word.
Are you unsure of who to preach to? Preach to everyone.
Are you unsure of where to preach? Preach everywhere.
Are you unsure of when to preach? Preach every day.

Jesus said it and we must obey it, “As the Father has sent me, I also send you” (John 20:21). The world is waiting and we have Good News to share. It’s time to go.


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