Teach Us To Pray
To grow in prayer, we cannot just think about prayer or even read about it, we’ve got to actually pray. But once you start, you might find yourself stuck on repeat, leaving you feeling discouraged and ineffective at this high calling. There is no shame in asking for help, even Jesus’ own disciples asked that He might teach them to pray. In Luke 11:1-13, Jesus teaches on prayer in a simple but revelatory way. These verses contain what is often called The Lord’s Prayer but really, it was a model for the disciples. The goal was not only to repeat these words but to provide insight into the principles and patterns of prayer.
The Furnace of Affliction
Have you ever watched a potter craft something? What was nothing more than a lump of clay is made into a beautiful piece of pottery with value and purpose. Some of the world’s most expensive pieces of pottery have sold for over 20 million USD. While wealthy collectors delight in the beauty of the finished piece, there is a very meticulous process the potter must follow to create a masterpiece. In Jeremiah 18, God called Jeremiah to the potter’s house. It seems that there was something in the imagery and process of pottery that God knew would help him grasp the message from heaven. And if it helped Jeremiah, it can probably help us too.
The Talent Thief
Jesus tells a story in Matthew 25 about a man who shared what was his with his servants. The man returns and commends two servants as good and faithful while the other is openly rebuked. The good servants used what they were given and made an increase for their master. The last servant only buried his talent in the earth. To Jesus’ audience, a talent was a large sum of money, but this parable isn’t about money. It is about using the gifts and talents that God gives us. The question we all must answer is what are we doing with what God has invested into our lives?
The Truth About Faith
Faith is important — so much that the writer of Hebrews emphatically declares that you can’t please God without it (Hebrews 11:6). The prophet Habakkuk says the righteous will live by their faith in God (Habakkuk 2:40). But what is faith? Is true faith just a mental exercise with some sort of accompanying confession or acknowledgment of what you believe? Or is it deeper than this and where do you begin to try and understand it?
How To Walk On Water
It is just before sunrise and the disciples are standing in a boat on a stormy sea when Jesus comes walking on the water. Can you imagine their wonder — the waves that are violently tossing their boat about are literally under His feet. Jesus is walking on the water, unmoved by the raging wind. Peter’s awe turns to question and the Lord answers with one word, “Come.” You might be tempted to criticize Peter for how this short journey ended but the fact is, he walked on water.
What To Do The Week After Easter
Last weekend most of the Christian world celebrated the resurrection of Jesus with special services, kids activities, and family dinners. For many, Easter weekend is the culmination of weeks and sometimes months of planning and preparation. This historic event where Jesus conquered death, hell, and the grave is worthy to be celebrated but now what? What do you do the week after Easter?
Where Is The Good In Good Friday?
All four gospels record the death of Jesus Christ. You can read the story in Matthew 27, Mark 15, Luke 23, and John 19. Tortured, humiliated, and nailed to a cross where He was left to die. It begs the question, where is the good in Good Friday?